Public Finance Management, Software Development
Government Economics
Project Duration
October 2013 - July 2014 (10 months)

CRI developed a database of Commodity-Specific Conversion Factors and estimated national parameters for Rwanda's Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, including economic opportunity cost of capital, foreign exchange premium, and premium on non-tradable outlays.

During the Period October 2013 and July 2014, CRI under its contract with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in Rwanda, developed the database of Commodity-Specific Conversion Factors (CSCFs) and estimated the National Parameters for the Country. The National Parameters computed by CRI included the Economic Opportunity Cost of Capital (EOCK),  the Foreign Exchange Premium (FEP) and the Premium on Non-tradable Outlays (NTP).

A web-based database was developed by CRI, that would function as the repository for Rwanda National Parameters and CSCFs which are used to translate financial prices used in the evaluation of projects into their corresponding economic values. The resulting database consists of (i) more than 5000 tradable commodities of the Harmonized System (HS) implemented by the Rwanda Customs Department, and (ii) non-tradable goods and services such as the transportation of goods by trucks, electricity, telecommunications, and the construction of buildings and roads. The Rwandan National Parameters and CSCFs can be accessed at