Ex-post evaluation of the Algerian SWRO desalination PPP program Zimbabwe Capital Budget Programmatic Technical Assistance Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Public Investment Management System in Mozambique. CostÂBenefit Analysis (CBA) for Upgrading the Technology of a Reverse Osmosis Plant to Purify Wastewater in Cyprus. Appraisal of Energy Efficiency Programs in Senegal. Leeuwpoort Integrated Housing Development Southern Farms Mega City Project Lufhereng Mixed-Housing Development Thorntree Development Mega-Inclusionary Housing Project Moretele North-Klipvoor Bulk Water Supply Scheme Redevelopment of Six Ports of Entry in South Africa Ethiopia Tax Project (CBA) Serbia Tax Project (CBA) Cost Benefit Analysis of Tax Administration Reforms in Finland Cost-Benefit Analysis of USAID's Resilence in the Sahel Initiative - Burkina Faso & Niger Cost-Benefit Analysis of USAID's Crop and Livestock Development Program - Zimbabwe Cost-Benefit Analysis of USAID's Agricultural Value Chains Livelihoods Project - Nigeria Study on the Comparative Economic Advantage of Crop Production in Rwanda Strengthening Zambia's Public Investment Management System Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis - Government Technical Advisory Centre, South Africa Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis - African Development Bank Capacity Building Program on the Estimation of National Parameters - Uganda Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis - Zambia Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis - Zimbabwe Program on Public Private Partnerships in the Energy Sector - Kenya Rogun Dam Fiscal Analysis - Tajikistan Prioritization of Public Investment Project - Vietnam National Parameters for Project Evaluation - Mozambique Development of National Parameters for the Appraisal of Public Investment Projects and PPPs - Uganda Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis - Kenya Technical Support to Develop a System for Public Investment Management - Zimbabwe Electronic System for National Investment Planning - Mozambique Integrated Bank of Projects Database - Uganda National Parameters and Conversion Factors for Project Evaluation - Ghana Estimation of National Parameters and Economic Prices - Rwanda Categories All Categories35 Public Finance Management10 Software Development6 Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing7 Integrated Investment Appraisal11 Financial Modelling11 Climate Smart Economic Evaluation5
CostÂBenefit Analysis (CBA) for Upgrading the Technology of a Reverse Osmosis Plant to Purify Wastewater in Cyprus.
Program on Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis - Government Technical Advisory Centre, South Africa